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After waiting for years for service delivery as promised by the government, the angered ward 2 residents under Winnie Madikizela Mandela Local Municipality embarked on a protest on Wednesday the 18th of January 2023 to draw the attention of the government, to their unpleasant situation. Amongst many things that the residents are complaining of, they are demanding road construction in their area, access to clean water and RDP houses.

The furious villagers woke up on the early hours of Wednesday morning and blocked the road so no one could pass. All those who had plans of going to work, school or anywhere else were jammed.

The excitement of the Ntamonde Senior primary school learners and teachers of opening schools on Wednesday was washed away as they were blocked by protesters on their way to school to start with their 2023 syllabus.

“This road was constructed in 1995 and has never been maintained since then. We struggle a lot in this community on rainy days, because we can’t even go to clinics, schools or town because of the bad condition of our roads. We want government officials to come and see for themselves how bad the situation is in this ward,” said one of the protesters.

Meanwhile, Zilungile Mpukwana the ward committee said what angered the residents the most is that on the 9th of October 2022 there was a report stating that in three weeks’ time there will be road maintenance but up to this date there has been no action  taken. Even in the IDP there was nothing about road construction in ward 2.

“Our ward is being undermined because we have tried several times to voice out our cries. I wrote to the Winnie Madikizela Mandela local Municipality mayor cllr TD Mafumbatha and never got any response, I then took the matter to the district mayor cllr Vukile Mhlelembana with no luck and then reported the issue to the Eastern Cape premier Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane, who promised that the mayor will attend to this matter but until now there has been no action,” said Mosuli Cwele from Ntamonde village.

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Meanwhile, the Branch Executive Committee of the African National Congress at ward 2 in Winnie Madikizela – Mandela Local Municipality issued a statement stating that it notes the silence of the Mayor on the cry of the ward.

The ward has never been a priority under this current executive Mayor and they continue to undermine the people of these villages together with our ward councillors.

The ANC in ward 2 is in full support of community members whom have taken a decision to fight for their rights.

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