UDM Welcomes New Cabinet, Congratulates President Holomisa on Deputy Minister Appointment
Major General Bantu Holomisa wearing the TDF parachutist wing with green (infantry) backing.

The United Democratic Movement (UDM) has expressed strong support for the new cabinet announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa. Secretary General Yongama Zigebe issued a statement highlighting the party’s hopes for significant change under the Government of National Unity.

The UDM particularly acknowledged the efforts of the outgoing Minister of International Relations, Naledi Pandor, and expressed confidence that her successor, Ronald Lamola, will continue her impactful work.

We commend the inclusion of young people and women in the cabinet, creating a balanced team. It is our sincere hope that these young ministers will not just be tokens but will have a substantial voice in shaping the direction of our country, said Zigebe.

The UDM is also pleased with the appointment of their President, Bantu Holomisa, as Deputy Minister of Defence. Zigebe praised Holomisa’s extensive military background, including his leadership of the Transkei Defence Force and Government, over twenty years of Parliamentary service, and his role as Deputy Minister in Nelson Mandela’s first administration.

“Congratulations, President Holomisa! We are confident in your capabilities,” Zigebe stated.

The UDM emphasized the urgency for the new cabinet to begin working immediately to address the needs of the South African people.

The new cabinet must roll up its sleeves and begin working immediately, as our people urgently need change to improve their lives. We wish them all the best in this mammoth task ahead, – Zigebe concluded.

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