A community is left reeling after a horrific shooting incident at Mkhambathini Location that claimed the lives of two family members, a male and a female. The tragedy unfolded when four armed men, their faces hidden by balaclavas, targeted the family while they slept in separate homes.
According to police reports, the attackers opened fire on one house, resulting in the fatal shootings of the two victims. They then continued the attack at the second residence, injuring four others, aged between 20 and 57, who are currently in critical condition in the hospital.
Through the tireless efforts of the Provincial Serious and Violent Crimes unit, a 50-year-old male suspect was apprehended on Saturday, January 18. He is set to appear at eMaXesibeni Magistrate Court on Monday, January 20, facing charges of double murder and four counts of attempted murder. The police are actively searching for three additional suspects involved in this shocking attack.
Authorities urge anyone with information regarding the incident or the whereabouts of the remaining suspects to come forward. Community members can report tips anonymously at the nearest police station or by calling the SAPS Crime Stop number at 08600 10111.
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