Ntabankulu Local Municipality Dispels Misinformation Regarding Bagqozini Household in Ward 14

Ntabankulu Local Municipality has taken swift action to address the dissemination of misinformation surrounding Bagqozini Household in Ward 14, following an online publication on “EC News Live.” The Municipality is refuting claims that it is ignorant of the situation and asserts that the facts tell a different story.

According to the official statement released today, the Honourable Mayor personally visited Bagqozini soon after the village received electricity, officially inaugurating the electrification project. During this visit, the Mayor generously provided electrical appliances to the destitute home in question, ensuring that the family could immediately benefit from the newly installed electricity. The appliances, the statement emphasizes, were not limited to those mentioned in the misleading report but included a broader range.

Moreover, the household has been promptly registered as part of the housing scheme facilitated by the Department of Human Settlements. In February 2024, the Municipality plans to hand over contracts to build houses for destitute individuals across Ntabankulu, including the specific home in Ward 14.

The Ntabankulu Local Municipality, in collaboration with other government entities, remains committed to prioritizing critical infrastructure, especially housing for the destitute and vulnerable. Acting as an implementing agent for the Department of Human Settlements, the Municipality aims to expedite the resolution of such matters with efficiency and effectiveness.

The statement also condemns the exploitation of citizens’ plight for selfish and narrow interests, labeling such actions as unethical and immoral, contrary to the spirit of the African community. The Municipality calls for a collective commitment to improving the lives of the people, urging against the manipulation of vulnerable situations for personal gain.

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