Police Minister General Bheki Cele has vowed to put an end to the ongoing taxi violence plaguing Port St Johns. Joined by Transport Minister Sindisiwe Chikunga and Eastern Cape Premier Lubabalo Oscar Mabuyane, Minister Cele engaged with the community and taxi industry stakeholders on Thursday, 26 Janaury 2024 in response to the escalating conflict.
Two weeks ago, residents took to the streets, demanding action from authorities and seeking intervention in the violent clashes between the Uncedo Taxi Association and the Border Taxi Alliance. The situation has reached a critical point, with six lives lost and five individuals injured in a recent shootout at a local taxi rank.
During the meeting, Minister Cele announced significant steps to address the crisis. This includes the appointment of senior police officials tasked with conducting thorough investigations into the allegations of government officials’ involvement in the ongoing taxi wars. Such claims have raised concerns about the extent of corruption and collusion within law enforcement agencies.
Premier Mabuyane echoed the urgency of the situation, urging both factions to cease hostilities immediately. He unequivocally condemned the violent actions perpetrated by certain taxi operators, emphasizing that such behavior would not be tolerated under any circumstances.
The engagement brought together various stakeholders from law enforcement and transport departments, signaling a unified approach to finding lasting solutions to the longstanding conflict. Beyond immediate interventions, there is a collective commitment to addressing the root causes of the violence and ensuring the safety and security of all residents in Port St Johns.
Minister Cele assured the community of the government’s unwavering dedication to restoring peace and stability in the area. With concerted efforts and collaboration between all parties involved, there is hope for a resolution to the taxi war that has plagued Port St Johns for far too long.
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