It’s that time of the year again, where matriculants are no longer called learners of that particular school. They are now addressed as candidates. On Friday, the 20th f October, matriculants of Alfred Nzo East District in Bizana, were signing a commitment agreement relating to the 2023 National Senior Certificate Examination. This ospicious event was held at Methodist Church Hall in Bizana and a replica of the same event was happening in the other clusters of the same district. The district obtained 77% last year and this year under the able directorship of Mrs Z. Khuzwayo is pledging to reach 82% and above. Candidates, educators, subject advisors, district education forum, teacher unions, pastors, parents, SGB’s all pledged to make this happen.
- Any deviation from or contravention of the Regulations by candidates registered to write the 2023 National Senior Certificate exams will compromise the integrity of the examination and the results of the candidate could be declared null and void in line with the relevant provisions as set out in the Regulations. Therefore, it is imperative that the candidates are familiar with the rules and regulations and sign the attached acknowledgement form to this Parents/guardians are also required that they are aware of the rules and regulations by co-signing the acknowledgement form.
》Late coming, candidates will not be allowed to write if they arrive more than an hour late after the commencement and no extra time will be given to candidates who arrive late.
》Any form of intimation
》Bringing unauthorized material into the exam room (crib notes, cellphones, other electronic devices)
》Getting the question paper from another source prior to the stipulated writing date and time and distributing the paper in hard copy or electronically using social media e.g. (What’sApp)
》Failing to report any knowledge or possession of a leaked paper or getting direct or indirect access to leaked paper.
The candidates also signed a pledge to:
–To do their best in the forthcoming examination so that they can achieve the personal and academic goals they have set for themselves.
-To focus on their studies and devote all of their time to revise the work that was covered during the course of the year and strength all the skills they need to be successful in the exams.
– To be supportive of their peers as they prepare in earnest for the examinations
-To jot be deterred by personal or other circumstances as they strive to achieve the National Senior Certificate qualification
-To uphold the principles of honesty and integrity of the examinations by complying with all the rules and regulations relevant to the National Senior Certificate, November/December examinations.
Parents and guardians are therefore encouraged to give their children full support during this time. Encourage them and create a positive environment for them. Make sure that they are getting enough sleep, eating well and drinking water.
Please prioritize the safety of the children during this time. Think about the strikes that you do. Your reason for striking is to get the attention of the government. But at what cost???. It is at an expense of learners’ future. Communities must note that once a candidate misses an examination, he/she may jot have another chance to write that missed paper during this academic year, but may write during supplementary time in the following year. If this would happen, the future goals and aspirations , the hard work that the candidates have put in the studies would be gloomy and doomed. Education is a societal matter, and communities need to take it upon themselves to protect the hard earned freedom and right to education. There’s a slogan that says, “Bonke Ngabethu”
The final examinations will start on the 30th of October 2023. The countdown has officially begun we are 8 days away till we exams start.
Remember, you are close to victory, don’t give up now.