The ordinary Council meeting of the Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Local Municipality, convened on March 27, 2024, was reportedly disrupted by the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), who allegedly contested the timing of the meeting notice. According to a statement issued by the municipality on April 5, 2024, the EFF motioned to postpone the meeting, claiming that the notice issued on March 22, 2024, fell short of the seven-day requirement mandated by council rules.

In response, the Speaker of the Council, Honourable Cllr. Zithobile Mhlwazi, allegedly cited Rule 11 of the standing orders, which stipulates that notices for ordinary meetings should be issued between four to seven days before the meeting. The Speaker purportedly asserted that the notice met these requirements, prompting the EFF’s rejection of the ruling and continued disruptions.

Despite attempts by the Speaker to maintain order, the EFF allegedly persisted in calling endless orders and speaking without authority. After an hour of purported disruptions, the EFF allegedly walked out of the meeting, allowing proceedings to resume in their absence.

Meanwhile, in an unrelated matter discussed in the statement, it was claimed that Mr. Zakhele Alex Zukulu, the Chief Finance Officer (CFO) of the municipality, allegedly received protection from internal VIP security due to alleged death threats from unknown individuals. The municipality allegedly reported these threats to the South African Police Service (SAPS), although the motives behind them remain unclear.

Pondoland Times reached out numerous times to the municipality spokesperson, Mr. T Cwibi, for further clarification on these matters, but received no response. Consequently, questions remain unanswered regarding the disruptions during the council meeting and the alleged threats against Mr. Zukulu.

As stakeholders await further developments and clarity, the alleged disruptions in the council meeting and the purported threats against Mr. Zukulu continue to raise concerns within the community.

In other developments, on Monday last week, the business forum(s) held a protest where they allegedly voiced concerns about the way the municipality handles its business.

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