This anthology, born out of the NYDA Internet In A Box Writing Competition, showcases the perspectives of South Africa’s future leaders on democracy, its impact, and the lessons learned from 30 years since apartheid. Reviewed by students from Tshwane University of Technology’s Faculty of Humanities, Department of Applied Languages, these essays offer fresh insights and ideas for the future.
“Corridors of Democracy” is a powerful tribute to South Africa’s 30-year democratic journey, highlighting the significance of democracy and the need for continued vigilance in protecting democratic values.
Book Details:
- Title: Corridors of Democracy
- Genre: Essays
- Publisher: KwaziThina Publishers
- Release Date: 24 October 2024
- ISBN: 978-1-77641-054-5
About KwaziThina Publishers:
KwaziThina Publishers is committed to empowering African voices and stories, providing a platform for thought-provoking literature that inspires and educates.