The body of Asiphe Mdodana, a young girl from Mathwebu village in Bizana was discovered by her uncle in a backroom after she went missing for a couple of hours on Friday, 17 September 2021. Her body is said to have been discovered with several stab wounds and was raped. The alleged perpetrators who are suspected to be of Lesotho descent is at large and anyone who happens to run into him is being urged to contact the police immediately.
According to reliable sources, the alleged rapist and murder was seen in Ntlenzi location where he spent the past weekend but is said to have to be on the run.
The alleged perpetrators go by the name Lebohang and has been described as a dark-skinned male with a mohawk haircut and has a prison gang tattoo 2$6 on his body.
Pondoland Times will keep track of the developments.
This is Asiphe Mdodana. Ngumntwana wasekhaya. She went missing for a few hours on Friday. My uncle went looking for her and eventually discovered her body locked inside a back room eMatwebu in Bizana. She’d been raped and her body had stab wounds. She was only 23 years old.
— IZWELETHU 😭✊🇿🇦 (@miss_andisa) September 20, 2021
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[…] neighbor found the child’s body stabbed in the upper body, and an unknown young man who claimed to be looking for the deceased’s mother. That’s […]