The rationale behind the dissatisfaction of Bizana youth has become deafening!!


Bizana Youth!!!….

“Are we being taken advantage of, or are we late?” That is the question that is ringing in the minds of young business people in Bizana. The rationale behind the dissatisfaction of Bizana youth has become deafening and the premise is the likely occupation of business trading space by the visitors. We are not entirely blaming them for utilizing every business opportunity available to them, in business every opportunity needs to be taken advantage of to create a healthy and competitive economy.

Our responsibility, as Bizana youth, was to acquire education, come back from tertiary and plough back the skills and expertise to contribute to the economic growth and development of our community. Much to our surprise, those trading spaces were occupied in our absence. Going back to acquire more education for the occupation of the recent lost space, will not make sense as this education does not take us from the level where we are to a better level. Indeed, we are late…perhaps in our approach to this quagmire we’re facing, as Black people, we have an undesirable reputation for being known to be “divided and lazy”. We could learn from foreign nationals who uplift, encourage and support each other.

The methodology used to occupy every corner of the township and rural areas is working very well for the early bird. Ours is only to look for a space less occupied, the non-profit organizations, civil society organisations and agriculture co-ops is our primary focus when it comes to addressing these community needs. This methodology needs to be combed out meticulously as we struggle to pull together for the betterment of everyone involved.

Instead, we add to negative team dynamics by failing to negotiate with each other, failing to understand our different perspectives and mentalities, belittle and dehumanize one another and lambast each other and yet we do not have a feasible solution for what will bring food to the table while growing our economy.

Taking lessons from a good practice is not wrong at all. At the end of the day the goal and the mission should be unified, and that is to get out of socio-economic challenges in particular no income, inequality and poverty. There is no plausible reason why we should not be economically active. We should show willingness to learn best business practices. We also have to understand that our contribution to the development of their businesses does not in any way inhibit the economic growth of the contributors.

There is a saying that says “together we can do more”. Currently, foreign occupations have in many ways provided low-income jobs for our youth without any record to prove employment. This, however, makes it easy for the employment to be terminated without any protection from the labor or court appeal. The visitors must do things appropriately and treat people with dignity. We are not taken advantage but we were late.

The right moment for us is being created. Yes, we need to learn. The 4IR is a new concept to all of us. Let’s be innovative while working with the methodology that is seen as useful and viable. It combines unity, team effort, ubuntu and support for one another. Should we not act accordingly with each other, we will continue to be misused and ill-treated by visitors in our own backyard.

Research statistics show us that this era we’re in is ripe for increasing contribution to the GDP. It will mean an increase in employment opportunities, and a decrease in the poverty line. Let us be the early birds. Let the civil society organizations call for better internet access to improve ICT infrastructure and expand the global community.

To support the call, civil organizations should make reference to the article by the DDG of the Department of Telecommunications and Digital Technologies and it reads: “The new network development needs to continue to improve lives of the people to ensure better connectivity……” she further gives emphasis that “…connectivity is central in enabling people to be innovative and bridge the digital divide in society…”

Let’s all join hands and work together in one direction. We are not late. We still have the advantage.

Article by Solomzi Tshona, in his own capacity. He is a social activist an innovator, writer and scholar. His activism is more on rural youth development and education. He is a member of the South Africa Youth Council and the founder of a NPO called Thuba-Lethu Development Forum.

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Solomzi Tshona
Solomzi Tshona
Article by Solomzi Tshona, in his own capacity. He is a social activist an innovator, writer and scholar. His activism is more on rural youth development and education. He is a member of the South Africa Youth Council and the founder of a NPO called Thuba-Lethu Development Forum.


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