On Wednesday, a transformative event unfolded as the Minister of Agriculture, Hon. Zoleka Capa, together with Mayor Cllr V. Mhlelembana of Alfred Nzo District...
The MEC for Department of Education (DoE), Hon. F Gade and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Local Municipality (WMMLM) Mayor, Cllr TD Mafumbatha on Friday officially handed...
Alfred Nzo ABC Motsepe league teams are preparing to lock horns at Mphuthumi Mafumbatha stadium on the 30th of September.
SAFA deputy president and the...
On Monday, the Winnie Madikizela-Mandela local municipality Mayor, Cllr TD Mafumbatha and members of her executive formally handed over the contractors who will repair...
In trying to promote Library usage, instilling a culture of reading and lifelong learning, Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Local Municipality (WMMLM) together with the Department of...