The Independent Police Investigative Directorate said it was looking into the death of a student police officer who was killed during a training session at Thabazimbi Tactical Academy in Limpopo, on Sunday.
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The Independent Police Investigative Directorate said it was looking into the death of a student police officer who was killed during a training session at Thabazimbi Tactical Academy in Limpopo, on Sunday.

It is alleged that the new recruiters were undergoing tactical and combat training when the student police was accidentally killed, said Lizzy Shuping from IPID.

Shuping mentioned that IPID would pronounce on the outcome of the investigation once it was completed.

SAPS management said while an internal investigation was being conducted; the matter was referred to IPID.

Spokesperson Colonel Athlenda Mathe said that psycho- social support was provided for the colleagues.

Student in police training academy Killed by accident
– Photo / Facebook

Mathe said that the National Commissioner of SAPS, General Fanie Masemola launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting, pledging full cooperation and support to the IPID investigation.

General Masemola said, “This is an unfortunate accident, we request space to conduct a thorough investigation to be able to determine the circumstances surrounding the incident. We pledge our full support to the family of the deceased and all affected“.

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