Violence against women is one of the most prevalent human rights violations in the world. To end the pandemic we must educate our societies including men about misogyny and toxic masculinity. The number of escalating levels of Gender Based Violence and femicide cases is a national crisis with every three hours a woman is murdered in South Africa.
The South African Royal Princesses Network expresses its deep concern on the recent killing of Singwa Namhla Mtwa. Ms Singwa Namhla Mtwa is one of the many women in South Africa who have been abused and assaulted before their deaths. She has lived in constant fear, assault and harassment in both her public and private space.
The South African Royal Princesses Network condemns all forms of Gender Based Violence and femicide. We call upon Government to firmly and unapologetically implement its commitments in fighting Gender Based Violence and femicide. We are also appealing to civil society organizations and networks to stand together with The South African Royal Princess Network to speak up against GBV and femicide.
It is time we all called out the perpetrators of Gender Based Violence. How many more workshops, summits, protests, shutdowns and imbizos before many other women like Namhla Mtwa do we have to lose to Gender Based Violence before change takes effect. Gender Based Violence and femicide largely stems from emasculated men who use violence as a way to reclaim their power of authority by enforcing violence on their victims.
The South African Royal Princesses Networks is calling out the men in this country to stand up and take a stand against Gender Based Violence. For Namhla to ask for her freedom is not a crime. It will take all our efforts as a collective, to stand for Ms Namhla Mtwa to receive justice.
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]“We call upon the law enforcers to play their part so that justice prevails and the perpetrator of this horrific crime is put behind bars.” – says The South African Royal Princesses Network[/perfectpullquote]
“We call on everyone to pull up to successfully curb Gender Based Violence in our communities.”