Pondoland Walking Safaris. - Photo: Supplied

Untouched beauty with rivers and valleys that meet the sea, hidden lies the gem in the northern Eastern Cape which gave birth to the eco-tourism agency of Pondoland Walking Safaris. Founded in 2012 by Vuyani Mbuzwa and Artist Gqwetha, it consists of executive members Siyabonga Ndovela and Siphiwe Mandleni.

The establishment was inspired by the beauty of nature that stretches from Mtentu, Msikaba through Mkambati Nature Reserve known as the Pondo hiking trail in the wild coast.

Msikaba to Luphatana in the past famously known as Grosvenor shipwreck and other numerous shipwrecks on the coast.

Pondoland Safaris
Pondoland Walking Safaris. – Photo: Supplied

Iconic sceneries of nature can be seen such as the majestic Waterfall Bluff past breathtaking Mlambomkhulu Falls and Catherdral Rock towards Mbotyi. In the wilderness it has fauna and flora such as a large range of animal species, thick indegious forests.

Located in the heart of the rural coastal area, it is rich with vibrant diversity and culture. The Pondoland Walking Safaris preserves and provides an unforgettable unique nature experience as their main targets are prestigious schools throughout South Africa and nature lovers international tourists.

Pondoland Walking Safaris representative Artist Gqwetha said that the eco tourism company experienced challenges during covid 19 pandemic as they did not receive any form of support from the Department of Tourism in the Eastern Cape.

Cathedral Rock
Pondoland Walking Safaris. – Photo: Supplied

Through passion and dedication to serve the establishment is in full operation and they are smoothly recovering. In celebration of tourism month Pondoland Walking Safaris hosted prestigious Michealhouse.

Michealhouse Senior Teacher, Brandon Venter said the boys from the school had the most unforgettable beautiful experience exploring nature such as the sea, waterfalls and seeing indeginous plants and animals.

“Experiencing the pondo culture has been the most outstanding experience. The people have provided us with an extraordinary journey as they have been so welcoming. We were blessed with beautiful weather and we would like to thank the pondo people and hopeful we will be back the following year.” said Venter

As part of Corporate Social Responsibility, the Pondoland Walking Safaris ploughs back to the communities on the coast to provide excursions for local schools.

This involves teaching children about the nature, fauna and flora, culture and gems of this area. “We aim to provide the experience for our own people so that they can be able to preserve and continue uplifting the legacy of this coastal area.”

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