The South African Police Service (SAPS) is still searching for Rajathi Gnanaraj, a 41-year-old woman who was kidnapped outside her workplace in Deal Party, Gqeberha, on August 2. According to Captain Sandra Janse van Rensburg, Eastern Cape police spokesperson, Gnanaraj and her husband were approached by approximately seven armed suspects while sitting in their vehicle. The suspects smashed the window, pulled Gnanaraj out, and drove off in a silver Toyota Corolla, later switching to a red Haval.
In a separate incident, police rescued a foreign national who was kidnapped in Qonce (King William’s Town) on July 27. The victim was found unharmed in a house in Mooiplaas, outside East London, after his brother paid a R350,000 ransom. However, the brother is now missing.
The SAPS is urging anyone with information regarding Gnanaraj’s disappearance or the missing brother to come forward and assist in the investigation.
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