Money is indeed the root of all evil. This phrase is one of the well-known phrases that we all use when defining the negative impacts of money. Money, what we all believe will solve all our problems and conquer poverty, but because of that desperation creeps in and the evilness of money takes over our minds and thoughts.

It is no secret that we need money to live, to survive this thing called life. Everyone longs to be rich and wealthy at some point but no one sees the need to be patient and work for their breakthroughs hence taking the easiest and quickest way to have money is the route people choose to take.

With no generational wealth as a starter pack, it is easy for one to think of other ways to survive. Usually the extents people tend to turn to, are those that are at an expense of another human being, have it be wife, husband, children, mother, father or any other family member/friend.

South Africa has such a high rate in women and child slaughter being part of the rape cases, trafficking and once these victims are found, some have missing body parts. As gruesome as this may sound, this is unfortunately the world we live in.

A few days ago, I was intrigued at how people are carelessly choosing the worst to gain wealth. The interview on Gogo Skotheni conducted by Sbu was indeed an eye opener. These rituals have always been there, been done but in secret but now these are done in the open and everyone is exposed to this. During this interview, she mentioned quite a lot, including jaw dropping rituals that people tend to do for money. She mentioned ‘ukuthwala’, ‘Amaboys’ and other things done for easy money.


According to Dr. Bomboka ( ), “ukuthwala is a ritual performed to get money, power, respect or wealth in a very short time”. Skotheni mentioned that usually people don’t ask more about the decisions they tend to make during this process and because of that more damage is done than good. People want to enjoy the benefits and forget about the process and sacrifices that follow with this convent/ life changing decision.


Skotheni explains this concept as ghosts that sleep with girls (Ghosts that come in a form of a human being) and take away their luck or destinies to get wealthy or rich. Without knowing these girls end up with no luck, struggle to get a job or anything good.

The whole reason for this piece is to raise awareness. As much as this has always been those taboo topics, that people are scared to talk about this is it. Not everything is as rosy as it looks. We live in a world where people gamble with lives of those they love and cherish all in the name of money. Like many Christians say, “the last days are near/ we are living in the times of revelations” and this point all is clear nothing is sacred anymore. No one is safe and all because of MONEY.

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