Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni is facing mounting pressure to step down amid multiple serious allegations of corruption and fraud. The calls for her resignation come as the Hawks have referred a docket to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) detailing allegations of tender corruption involving R2.5 million during her tenure as municipal manager of Ba-Phalaborwa local municipality ¹.
BOSA leader Mmusi Maimane has joined the chorus of voices demanding Ntshavheni’s resignation, citing concerns about her continued oversight of the State Security Agency (SSA). Maimane has called on President Cyril Ramaphosa to take decisive action following the damning reports.
The Democratic Alliance (DA) has also demanded Ntshavheni’s immediate resignation, stating that a Cabinet Minister under such serious investigation cannot effectively serve. The party has threatened to approach the courts if Ramaphosa fails to relieve her of her duties ¹.
Furthermore, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) have criticized the prolonged investigation process, pointing to delays in addressing corruption cases involving senior government officials. The party has accused Ntshavheni of avoiding accountability due to her close association with President Ramaphosa.
The allegations against Ntshavheni are not new. During her tenure as Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, she was implicated in the misappropriation of R15 million for accommodation and travel expenses.
As the pressure mounts, it remains to be seen whether President Ramaphosa will take action against Ntshavheni. One thing is certain, however: the allegations against her have raised serious concerns about her fitness to oversee the SSA.