Renowned Maskandi artist Mlindelwa Mralatya, whose stage name is Inkunzemdaka, has revealed that he is not planning to retire anytime as he is working on a new album. Mralatya said this in an interview with Inkonjane Community Radio on Monday, 26 July 2022.
Inkunzemdaka was born at Thaleni locality in Flagstaff but lives in Zikhuba, Bizana, hence the argument on where this legend hails from. Critically acclaimed because of his role in traditional music. When Inkunzemdaka plays his guitar, no one else ever plays. Having started his Maskandi journey in 1985 when he was in his 20s he worked with respected bass guitarists like Mzwandile, Bukhalibembazo and
Joe who is known as Xathawana, releases hit songs each and every year.
Inkunzemdaka grieves that technology has changed a lot within the music industry, which makes it a bit challenging for artists like him who are elderly.
“It is now not as easy as it was before due to technology. Music now is sold online and for us it is challenging as piracy rate is too high.” grieves Mralatya who won many awards in his music career.
He further said that he can face all the challenges that come his way but he is not bowing down. Instead he will bring more music that will be sold online. “My fans should be ready for an album as I am working on something new.” Said Nkunzencane and Phumakhasi’s Father whose sons have both inherited the talent. Nkunzemdaka says he never forced music to his sons but they felt like following on the legend’s footsteps. It is indeed big shoes that they have to fill as Mralatya is a respected Maskandi artist nationally and abroad.
Lastly, Nkunzemdaka encouraged those who have joined the music industry, saying it will never be easy but they have to stay strong.
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]”In order to be successful in this genre you have to be strong and be ready to face all financial challenges because unlike other provinces, there is not much of Maskandi events that support us financially”.[/perfectpullquote]
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