
South African Royal Princesses Network signed an MoU with Kuhluka Movement cooperating on GBV Advocacy and Awareness on 25 February 2022 in Gauteng. Kuhluka Movement which was founded by Ms Josina Machel, a GBV survivor and activist and the daughter of Ms Graca and the late Mozambican President Samora Machel is a non-profit civil society mass organisation directed at combating the violation of rights of women. South African Royal Princesses Network founded by Princess Stella Sigcau II of the Mpondo Kingdom in 2019 who is the daughter of the late liberation activist Nkosi Ntsikayezwe Sigcau, is a progressive association of Royal Princesses from various parts of South Africa who are committed to contributing productively in the upliftment of their communities and broader South Africa, playing an active role in rural, youth and cultural development, promotion of unity in a diversity of cultures, in the fight against Gender-Based Violence and empowerment of women and children.

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Port St Johns guitarist Csana
Port St Johns guitarist Csana -Photo/Supplied

In attendance were members of the diplomatic corps, government and traditional leadership institutions. Speakers included Dr Nomvuyo Nokwe who is the former Ambassador to Mauritius as well as former Secretary General of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA). She is the daughter of the late liberation activist Advocate Duma Nokwe, Ms Phelisa Nkunjana from Ekurhuleni Municipality, Mr Kirtan Bana of the Diplomatic Society, and Zolani Mkiva who is the Secretary General of CONTRALESA and member of Parliament (South Africa). In attendance were also the Princesses and Royalty from various parts of South Africa. Ms Josina Machel signed on behalf of the Kuhluka Movement and Princess Stella Sigcau II on behalf of the Princess Network. Guests were entertained by Songstresses  Csana and Nomzekelo Jamakazi from the Mpondo Kingdom.

gbv - Dr Nomvuyo Nokwe
CAPTION: Dr Nomvuyo Nokwe -Photo/Supplied

The partnership will kick off with visits and meetings of various Chieftainships in the Eastern Cape from 19- 24 March 2022. The purpose is to establish and identify areas of cooperation on GBV awareness and joint efforts to contribute to the fight against GBV in rural areas.

gbv - Contralesa SG and member of parliament Zolani Mkiva
CAPTION: Contralesa SG and member of parliament Zolani Mkiva – Photo/Supplied

As part of the South African Royal Princesses Network (SARPN) national campaign to fight and create awareness and educate on GBV as well as empower women and children, the SARPN will host GBV awareness programmes nationwide throughout the year and some of these in partnership with Kuhluka Movement.

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