Community members of Kwa Khanyayo-Thahleni and Cele, (KTC) wanted to submit a memorandum of demands on Thursday 15th of June which could not be received by SANRAL because the officials were not available. It is alleged that only fifteen people from these three communities are benefiting in a project that employees plus minus hundred and thirty three people.
A number of grievances pertaining the project at Msikaba North bridge, that was initially meant to develop these community, which are allegedly not benefiting on this memorandum: Community members are complaining that foreign nationals are employed instead of deserving individuals. Another issue is that the elected members of the PLC committee who were elected to screen the rotation of employment are refusing to give the opportunity to other people, it is also alleged that people pay for employment opportunities.
Again it is alleged that several graduates were illegally arrested because they were protesting the unlawful employment of people. The community members are also complaining that a number of SMMEs are not benefiting from this project: they are also pleading with the bord that is responsible for the employment of applicants to follow protocol when it comes to selecting prospective individuals.
The KTC community members are threatening to shut down the bridge if no official receives the memorandum on the 22nd.
Another Mbalula failure, how much more damage must a minister make before action is taken? On the other side of this bridge, the same has been reported over 2 years ago, yet no action forthcoming from the powers that be including the ministry and public protector.