Black Friday and festive season holiday shoppers get ready to spend money, it comes with huge responsibility to be cautious and vigilant of scammers.
From 13 until 21 November 2022 it is known to be International Fraud Awareness week it is a reminder that South Africans need to be careful not to share their bank details or any other information that can make them prone to scams.
This initiative encourages business leaders and employees to be proactive individuals in amending necessary measures in eradicating the impact of fraud by promoting anti-fraud awareness and educations
We all have heard the phrase, “If it sounds too good to be true, it is most definitely is.” This phrase has been used many times to keep individuals on alert for any possible scams that might occur.
Fraudsters use manipulative convincing tactics to sell their scam ideas in a form of pretense for their own financial gain. They are wealthy in resources which help them carry out their crimes to people.
According to First National Bank article published on Business Tech on October 2022, these are some of the popular fraudster scams that are more likely to take place.
- A stolen or lost phone- Despite having your phone nearby, you will still get an SMS asking you to activate your “Find my Phone” app or click to locate it. By opening the link, scammers can access your phone and compromise both personal and professional data.
- ATM card swapping- This occurs when a victim accepts help from a stranger afterwards switches their card with another victim’s card. They can access your bank account if your bank account if you enter your PIN in front of them. Always be on the lookout.
- Advance fee scam- This type of fraud involves a seller promising products or services in exchange for upfront payment. They can access your bank account if you enter your PIN in front of them. Always be on the lookout.
- Remote access- When you allow remote access tools to be installed on your device, fraudsters can access your device or profile. It is not advised to access your banking app via a public WIFI network.
- Phising, Vishing and Smishing are widespread identity fraud schemes that are frequently carried out by text, voice or a mix of all three forms of contact. To get sensitive personal or business data for use in criminal activity. Fraudster employ a variety of techniques.
The South African government on the digital page states that one must forward all documents and correspondence to Interpol.
Interpol works closely with the South African Police Service on all matters that are associated with commercial crimes.