If your company is struggling with keeping a clean and a decluttered financial track record and all the other bookkeeping, tax and business related issues, Ebukhosini Africa are the guys for you.
Ebukhosini Africa is a company established back in 2018 they have offices in Durban and Bizana, their services are segmented into three different categories:
- Business services
- Tax services
- Accaounting services
They offer their services to companies, co-oparatives and NPO’s who require registration, if you or you co-operative need help with company profiling and business plan, CSD registration they are the guys for you, Ebukhosini Africa has a solution for all your business needs this includes CSD registration COID registration and letter of good standing.
Accounting services and Tax services covering things like bookkeeping, financial statements, audits for school and NPO’s they also can help payrolls, Tax returns submitions and tax clearance application to make sure you tax affairs are in order.
So do check them out on their official website: http://www.ebukhosini.africa