Meet Nkosinathi Makamela, the founder of Lolo Mixed Farming. Nkosinathi is a 22-year-old farmer from Dutywa. Nkosinathi studied Animal Science at the University of Fort Hare.

During those years as a student, Nkosinathi used his monthly NSFAS allowance to start his agriculture business. He knew what he wanted and did not only dream about it but turned his dream into a reality. He launched his business in 2020.

This was during Covid-19 but because he had a dream and believed in himself, he did not see this as an obstacle but as an opportunity for him to establish a market for his business. He currently has a piggery and a vegetable farm in his rural village. His end goal is for his business to supply bulks to shops and individuals. He is surely getting there. He continues to advise and encourage the young people that ‘Black child, it is possible.’

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]He says ‘Eliminate excuses and believe in the possibilities mntu wakuthi because everything is possible. I am proud to say I am a young farmer.’[/perfectpullquote]

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