Life is about to improve for the better for Nine Hundred and Thirty-One (931) community members from various Wards of Matatiele, as the Mayor of Matatiele Local Municipality, Cllr Sonwabile Mngenela joined by Members of the Executive Committee and the Department of Human Settlements introduces contractors appointed to build RDP houses in Wards, 01, 04, 07 and 16 from yesterday the 26th of June 2023.
The 931 RDP houses to be constructed will cost R167 580 000.00 and have prioritised the elderly and people living with disabilities as well as people who qualify for free housing subsidies by the Department of Human Settlements and the Matatiele Local Municipality as the implementing agent.
The Mayor, Cllr. Sonwabile Mngenela expressed his enthusiasm following the finalisation of identifying beneficiaries and of all Supply Chain Management (SCM) processes that saw the successful appointment of three (3) contractors.
Our role as this current leadership is to ensure that the people of Matatiele have access to basic services and building these houses is one of our set targets in this term of office, said Mayor Mngenela.
This programme will also form part of sensitising communities about programmes and projects that are geared to uplift the socio-economic well-being of South Africans especially the people of Matatiele Local Municipality, as local people will benefit from contractual employment during the course of these life-changing projects.