A senior lead investigator into the gruesome murder of Namhla Mtwa
Namhla Mtwa
On April 21, Singwa Namhla Mtwa was shot and murdered inside her car by an unknown suspect when she arrived at her home in Sidwadwa, Mthatha. Image: TIMELIVE

Gender-based violence (GBV) and femicide are gross violations of human rights which unfortunately are the least prosecuted of crimes. Regrettably it is reported that one in three women would experience physical violence in their lifetime.

The statement issued by the office of Mpondo King Zanozuko Sigcau says “As the Mpondo nation we condemn all forms of abuse directed to women. We call upon all stakeholders to take a stand in uprooting Gender Based Violence and femicide. The cases of Gender Based Violence and Femicide in South Africa as reported are increasing at an alarming rate with a woman murdered every three hours in South Africa.”

“As the Mpondo nation and as an institution of Traditional Leadership we are saddened, devastated and condemn the recent brutal killing of Ms Namhla Mtwa. We wish to extend our sincere condolences to her family and loved ones at large.” says the statement

The Mpondo nation calls upon everyone who has information to assist the law enforcers to bring the perpetrator to book and for justice for Hlehle to be served.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]”As Traditional leaders we must also reflect on customs that may contribute to GBV and put an end to them as well as engage on programs that seek to uproot GBV and femicide.” [/perfectpullquote]

The Mpondo nationa also calls upon all Traditional Leaders to speak up and take a stand against Gender Based Violence and Femicide.

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