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A devastating incident has occurred in the village of Makhwaleni, Lusikisiki, Eastern Cape, where two homesteads belonging to the Bambanani family were set ablaze, leaving nine houses and a kraal reduced to ashes. The family, comprising two wives, two sons, a daughter, and over 20 children, has been accused of witchcraft by the community.
According to Zithulele Bambanani, the family patriarch, they received a tip-off and managed to flee their homes just in time, watching in horror as their properties were destroyed. His son, Zwelibongile Bambanani, who is now responsible for the care of over 20 children, including his own kids, nieces, and nephews, is at a loss, with the family’s livelihood and school attendance on hold.
Mazaphukele Bambanani, Zithulele’s wife, expressed her heartache, having built their home through hard labor and sacrifice. The family is now seeking justice, with the tribal authority distancing themselves from the incident, leaving it to the law to investigate.
The Headman of the village, Mr. Mpendulo Jiba, condemned the act, stating that they have repeatedly advised against such malicious acts, which often occur under the cover of darkness. The police are currently investigating the matter.
This tragic event highlights the ongoing challenges of witchcraft accusations and community violence in the region, leaving families like the Bambanani’s to pick up the pieces and seek justice.