Photos by Princess Nomfundo Zibi who is the member of the South African Royal Princesses Network
Photos by Princess Nomfundo Zibi, a member of the South African Royal Princesses Network

Miss Rural and Cultural custodian is a program that was launched on the 25 July 2022.  This program’s aim is to created to fundamentally change, to restore the confidence and pride of the rural young girls as well as women around the country and of course the continent, to remind them that they too are an essential piece of the puzzle that society needs in building a more inclusive and sustainable world.

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“I want you to know and understand a few critical things, rural child you are enough, be proud of your background but always remember you are not your circumstances. Believe in yourself and you will change your lives and of those around you.” Said uNkosazana Nomfundo Zibi as the ambassador and initiator of the program.

In 2015 statistics show that rural women represented more than 40% of all women in the world and nearly had of the total population is still living in rural areas.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]“Rural women play a key role in supporting their households and communities in achieving food and nutrition security, generating income, improving rural livelihoods and overall being. They contribute to agriculture and rural enterprises, local fuel and global economics,” says the UN women-watch[/perfectpullquote]

Photos by Princess Nomfundo Zibi who is the member of the South African Royal Princesses Network
PHOTO: by Princess Nomfundo Zibi, a member of the South African Royal Princesses Network
PHOTO: by Princess Nomfundo Zibi, a member of the South African Royal Princesses Network
PHOTO: by Princess Nomfundo Zibi, a member of the South African Royal Princesses Network

Rural women are mostly affected by the resource inequalities and that is why it is important to note that investing in skills for socio economic empowerment of rural women is necessary.

The MISS Rural Team was joined by its social and strategic partners. The speakers elaborated on numerous social ills faced by rural young girls. Other matters that the speakers focused on for their attendees were health talks, career guardian, culture, customs and traditions focusing mainly on our rich history and heritage as black people.

Miss Rural
PHOTO: by Princess Nomfundo Zibi, a member of the South African Royal Princesses Network

The next event of Miss Rural is the workshop scheduled for the 6th of August 2022 at Khayakhulu village. Young girls, women, Queen mothers and princesses from different communities who already play a huge role within their communities have been invited to be celebrated as well as engage in conversations pertaining to the young rural women and how she can be motivated as well as pride herself in where she comes from. The last event is scheduled for Heritage month with celebrations and crowning of the Miss Rural and cultural custodian on 23 September 2022.

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