In the early hours of Thursday 24 November, a fire broke in a shack at Moeggeskkul informal settlements in Kariega, Eastern Cape. Six people including three died in the shack fire.
The children who lost their lives in the fire were between the ages of three and eleven years, while three adults were aged between 22 and 48. The names of the children are Asciwalise (3), Asiphile (6) and Ibanathi Ngqina (11), the names of the adults are withheld until police trace their next of kin.
The parents of the deceased children sustained burn wounds. The mother was treated on the scene by paramedics her arms and hands are burned, while the father was taken to hospital after sustaining burn wounds on his face and arms.
Eastern Cape police spokesperson Priscilla Naidu said they were alerted about the fire just after midnight.
“On the police arrival the shack was burnt down. It is alleged that there was a loadshedding, and the family left a candle burning when they went to sleep. The mother woke up during the fire and she together with her husband managed to escape through the window. However, the remaining six could get out on time,” said Naidu.
Priscilla Naidu added, “Candles, primus stove and gas must be switched off before going to bed. The use of these types of lighting must be constantly checked to avoid situations such as this tragic incident.”
Police have opened an inquest docket and urged residents to be careful when using alternative lighting during a loadshedding.