Balungile Shezi, also known as Balungile Ka Njemboqo, a daughter of the late Maskandi musician and a guitarist, Njemboqo, won an award in an IsiXhosa category, in Durban, on 15 December 2023. A young girl who followed the footsteps of her father, singing maskandi, handed over school shoes and sanitary pads to the scholars at Lucwaba J.S.S, Ntsimbini, Flagstaff. This initiative, according to Balungile, was informed by the support she believes it was unwavering from the communities as she scooped the award.
“This is the way, for me, to express my gratitude to this community that has raised me and supported me since I got to the music industry” said Balungile, adding that this is the starting point for her as she is gonna visit more villages and towns, in her program of giving back to the community.
The Ukuhleba hit maker worked hand in hand with the school in identifying those learners that are needy. School principal, Nomaseko Makhalima has praised the initiative by Balungile and Kwakhanya events, emphasizing the difference it will make to the learners.
“It is clear that this initiative will boost the confidence of the learners because it is not a minor thing for a girl child to have a sanitary towel as this boosts her confidence, not to mention shoes. It is every learner’s wish to have new school shoes”.
Parents and learners were all smiles as they saw Balungile performing live and laying a helping hand.
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