Mandlenkosi Maphumulo, also known as Mampintsha’s family has announced that he will be laid to rest on Friday. At the weekend, the 40-year-old Maphumulo passed away in a hospital in Durban from a stroke.
The late Mandlenkosi Maphumulo’s family says they have terms with his passing.
Maphumulo experienced a second stroke while receiving treatment in a hospital in Durban.
According to Mbongeni Simelane, Maphumulo’s father-in-law, the family stood by Mampintsha all the way to the very end.
Babes Wodumo’s father Mbongeni Simelane thanked South Africans for their support and confirmed Mampintsha’s memorial and funeral will be held this week.
“Thank you for the support. Continue supporting us as we are preparing to lay him to rest. The funeral will be held on Friday. The venue is yet to be confirmed. The memorial service will be held on Thursday at Bishop Dube’s church eThekwini Community Church. All people are welcome to come and pay their last respects.”
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