By Mawande Genu

We caught up with ex-model turned photographer, Siphe Thafeni, the young man who has mesmerized the locals with his splendid photography skills. The former Mechanical Engineering student had a very interesting chat with our freelance reporter, Mawande Genu and shared some of the most interesting details about his career in photography and life in general.

The founder of Siphe Thafeni Photography has been making waves on social media with his very comical and animated posts which have made him the darling of the “Facebook” village.

Mawande Genu (MG): When did you decide that you wanted to be a photographer?

Siphe Thafeni (ST): In 2019 when I was doing my I N6 in Mechanical Engineering. The course and the field were not for me but luckily I had a friend, Ntlakanipho, who owned a modelling agency and I was also a photographer.

I started out as his PA from August 2019 – March 2020. When Covid-19 finally hit South Africa with the first lockdown I was forced to leave Durban for a home that’s when I started working solo using the knowledge I gained from working with him.


MG: Who has been your biggest inspiration?

ST: I draw inspiration from different people in the industry but my biggest inspiration has been my friend and mentor, Ntlakanipho.


MG: How has the journey into photography been so far

ST: My journey has been nothing but a lesson, a beautiful lesson. The support, I have received from the people in my village and the home town has been amazing.


MG: Enough about the serious stuff, let’s say you get stuck somewhere with no money. Who is the first person you would call?

ST: My buddy Sicelo man, (Laughs) yeah. He would be the first person I would call.


MG: In one word, describe Siphe Thafeni

ST: Untouchable (bursts out in laughter)


MG: You know rumours that people out there that photographers are sometimes paid in kind (laughs). Has it ever happened to you?

ST : (Bursts out in laughter), It has happened a lot bro. It happens a lot in the industry, most of the time models like mingling with photographers. Models have a thing for photographers in general (laughs) so it happens a lot.

MG: While on the issue of mingling, I am sure a lot of the ladies would love to know this one. Are you currently seeing anyone?

ST: Yes, I am currently in a relationship at the moment.


MG: Wow! Let’s run away from that before more hearts get broken. So your long-term goals in the photography industry. Where do you see Siphe Thafeni in the next five years?

ST: In the next five years I see myself doing international work and more corporate gigs.


MG: Just to round up our chat, what words of advice do you have for the youth out there trying to shoot for their dreams?

ST: Start where you are, use what you have and do what you can.

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