On Thursday, KwaZulu-Natal Regional Commissioner Chief Deputy Commissioner Mnikelwa Nxele handed over a fully furnished three-roomed house to the Mashala family at Thuthukani Village, Ward 06, under the Greater Kokstad Municipality. This event was part of the commemoration of the 67 minutes of service inspired by the legacy of Nelson Rholihlahla Mandela, the first democratic President of South Africa.
I am deeply inspired by the partnership between government agencies, non-profit organizations, and stakeholders in East Griqualand. This is not the first house we are handing over due to their dedication in making these projects a success. This is a day celebrated worldwide, and Madiba’s dream to make the world a better place rests with us. We learned from him that we must sacrifice for the well-being of society, – said Nxele.
The plight of the Mashala family was identified through the Sukumasakhe program, which allows councillors to identify very needy families in their respective wards. The Mashala family, living below the poverty line with no employed members, faced worsened conditions last year when their dilapidated one-room house was destroyed by torrential rains, forcing them to relocate to a neighbor’s house.
The Department of Correctional Services in the Kokstad Management Area reached out to various stakeholders and officials, seeking donations to alleviate the Mashala family’s suffering. The project was successfully completed using offender labor under the guidance of skilled artisans.
The main aim of using offender labor is to promote self-sufficiency and sustainability. We hope that by skilling offenders, we will assist in reducing recidivism, – Nxele added.
The main sponsor, NCW Helping Hands, a non-profit organization headed by former Correctional Official Nad Nayager, has been a consistent partner in various projects. This was the fourth house handed over through their collaboration. They have also completed several other projects, such as revamping old age homes within the Greater Kokstad Municipality.
This initiative exemplifies the power of community partnerships in uplifting the lives of those in need and keeping the spirit of Nelson Mandela alive through acts of service and compassion.
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