On Wednesday, the 8th of November , Intsingizi, Junior Secondary School remembered two male grade 9s who committed suicide . This is a mental illness!!. A candle was lit to show love respect and honor to these young boys.
Pastor Mzengetshe from Life Building Church, offered a word of prayer for these learners. Pleading God to interceed in these children’s life, circumstances. Young people are going through a lot and they suffer in silent. Young people must know that it is okay to cry, it is okay to express your feelings even when you’re not okay.
In spite of it all, the day proceeded with so much joy ,excitement and exhilaration. The day proceeded with celebrations of awards for the hard work of grade 9. Besides bidding Fare-Well to the two young boys, the purpose of the day was also to say “goodbye”, “go out there and raise the Intsingizi Junior Secondary School flag”.
The day was to show how special the learners are, how much they are loved. And to give them a fun day dedicated to them before they start with their exams.
If you know you need help or know someone who needs help use these details:
- 24hr Mental Health Helpline- 0800- 456 789
- 24hr Suicide Crisis Helpline- 0800-567 567
- (9am-4pm) What’sApp Chat line – 076- 882- 2775
-Guests/Motivational Speakers
》To motivate and inspire the learners, the teachers of Intsingizi Junior Secondary School wore their regalia graduation gowns to show them that one day, they can be like them
》Zizile Mthembu a founder of Yozi GM modeling Academy ( Mr and Miss Bizana). In her speech she’s emphasizing the importance of knowing who you are, your purpose in achieving your goals and dreams. She compared them a pencil, saying “in order for a pencil to work, there needs to be a hand behind it, when it runs out of its sharpness, you use a sharpener. For you to to be sharp and ready for the world, you need the teachers shape you.”
》Ncebakazi Phephetha, an entrepreneur- emphasizing the importance of equipping yourself , taking responsibility of your life and reminding them that “You can, You’re smart , You’re capable if you work hard.
》People from Cultural Village for career guidance- The main purpose of their purpose was to encourage learners who need assistance when they’re about to start High School who need assistance with career choices and subjects.
Natural Science
~Oyanda Binza
-Top Achiver- in IsiXhosa
Natural Science
3rd Position for all subjects
Social Sciences- 3rd Position
Economics – Third Position
~Nomgidlana Slindokuhle
1st Postion in Economics Management
2nd Position In IsiXhosa
2nd Position In Natural Science
1st Postion In English
3rd Place in Creative Arts
1st Postion in Life Orientation
1st Position in Social Sciences
1st Position in Mathematics
1st Position In Technology
Outstanding Student in grade 9
1st Position
If you know you need help or know someone who needs
The future of Intsingizi Junior Secondary School is bright