
The author of “I WAS RAPED BUT I CAME OUT FREE” believes that coughing out what you went through is the first step to...

According to Mail & Guardian, rape in South Africa is systemic and endemic. The country's annual police crime statistics confirm this. There were 42 289...

Water shortages in Lusikisiki hinder the growth of small businesses

Water scarcity has become a serious problem for residents of Lusikisiki. In the past complaints about water scarcity used to come from people living...

How To Draft a Bankable Business Plan?

Creating a business plan can be confusing and challenging. Business plans are very time-consuming, detail-orientated documents that need to be meticulously created to meet...

Mabuyane hands over much needed equipment to one of the Isiqalo Youth Funded projects in Mbizana

TNJ Media is a 100% black, youth owned media company registered in 2014. It was founded by Tandokuhle Mpinda who is 28 years of...


“Unemployment is like a headache or a high temperature - unpleasant and exhausting but not carrying in itself any explanation of its cause.”...


