Call for Agricultural Inputs Funding Applications

Call for Agricultural Inputs Funding Applications

The Ingquza Hill Local Municipality through its Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and Service Delivery Budget and Implementation Plan for the 2024/25 financial year has set aside budget of R1.5m to support local farmers and most specifically the emerging smallholder farmers with agricultural inputs.

Due to the budget constraints the municipality will only limit the selection to 10 farmers whose business proposals/plans show elements of sustainability and job creation as the major purpose. To access the funding, all farmers, cooperatives and start up projects within the jurisdiction of the Ingquza Hill Local Municipality are requested to submit their proposals or a business plan for their initiative as well as an application form to be obtained from the Local Economic Development offices.

Enterprises to be supported should be aligned to the strategic objectives of the municipality as described in the IDP. Projects/Programmes to be supported include the following strategic sector:

(i) Agriculture/ Agro- processing & Value Chain

The closing date for all applications is the 22nd of October 2024 and no late applications will be considered. All applications are to be hand delivered to the Local Economic Development office in Flagstaff. The municipality shall notify successful applicants within 30 days after the closing date of the application.

For more information kindly contact, Manager: Local Economic Development: D. Mjokovana at 039-252 0131 during working hours from Monday to Friday.

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