Proletarian democracy is hundred times better and more democratic than any bourgeoisie democracy. Proletariat democracy can only come about after a revolutionary takeover of a society by the Proletariat. It also has a class character; a proletariat character represents the broadest and ever deepening participation of the formally oppressed and exploited masses in every sphere of the society. It requires the proletariat mastery affairs of state of economic management and other affairs of administration and indeed of superstructure as a whole including culture. Proletariat is democracy by the proletariat far the oppressed people of that given country. It must never or could not be extended to the deposed former exploits the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie need no democracy they need dictatorship. The socialist way of rule is simple, give democracy to the masses, dictatorship to the profit hungry exploiters. That was alternative to bourgeoisie democracy offered by LENIN.
Bukharin’s analogy in characterizing the system of capitalism. “A motor car vehicle running on squared wheels in its forward motion, it clumsily and wildly heaves. In a series of cycles, it breaks down wreaking have on the lives of millions of working and poor people”. Gears does not permit the present govt to look after youth working and the poor people because it is not the government of the working and poor people, it is the government of the rich, the capitalist whites and blacks. When they in 1996 imposed “GEAR” on the working and poor people, the impression through incorrect terminology was created that there were going to be economic “growth”, employment for workers and “redistribution” of wealth. It could not have become the economic policy of the ANC government without the intended purpose of it accruing wealth to the long-established capitalist plus the aspirant black capitalist frontally represented by ANC and all the existing smaller organisation. This also exposed a disturbing reality of the non-existence of a working-class revolutionary party, whose rise has been stunted by ANC COSATU-SACP alliance, an albatross around the of the working class.
The classic bourgeoisie economic philosopher Adam Smith advocated liberal capitalism which meant so called “free market”, “free competition” or “free enterprise”. The state has no role to the play in the economy except spending money on infrastructure-road, water and electricity facilities which benefit capitalist in final analysis and very hunted chances of employment for the poor. Economic liberalism is the most brutal form of capitalism. Free market is self-destructive and the victims are the workers, who in a twisted irony stricken, diseases riddled, homeless etc.
Neo Liberalism, of which GEAR is the practical part, but is also an attempt to return to free market fundamentalism for which Adam smith was an advocate. Worldwide, govts, particularly of the underdeveloped countries, are forced ton pain of not getting loans from these institution (IMF and the world bank), to prioritise, restructure the economy, spend less or nothing on social undertaking- educator, transport, health and housing. Gear has had growth only for the rich, employment up to now over period has been miserably poor and the same period experienced tremendous workers strikes over wages and better working conditions and community protest over lack of services delivery.
To fight against “GEAR” is to fight against privatization, unemployment, casualization, low wages, work place victimization, poor education, poor health system, homelessness, etc. The ultimate solution to these day to day problems of poor and working class and youth is the overthrowing of capitalism by working class led by a mass workers party armed with socialist programmes
In choosing leaders poor masses and false class-conscious mass of the workers of this country will keep fishing from the same corruption ridden pond and it will keep catching the same corrupt fish. Anyone who does not mention this or denies this is nothing more than the loyal defender and apologist of the existing order. South Africa does not need freedom democracy, peace, equality and fraternity, this can only be a camouflage of class democracy, peace, equality and fraternity, the transformation of the whole South African society to a socialist state continued to fight against remnants of capitalism and bourgeoisie thinking further transformation of society into classless, raceless and anti-sexist society.