The security status of Parliament is one of the highest in the country, Temba Gubula of Nehawu, said he was shocked to find out from a shop steward that management had allegedly told security not to work weekends and public holidays during the festive season due to budgetary constraints.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]”Parliament is a national key point which was must be guarded 24/7 so we didn’t understand why management would place so-called money over the safety of Parliament. We will then engage management to ascertain why that decision was taken without consulting the union that represents those workers.” ~ Themba Gabula[/perfectpullquote]

On a Media briefing on Sunday Afternoon, it was revealed that not only the fire sensors were late to respond but the water valve was switched off, resulting in the failure of the automatic Sprinklers.

Infrastructure Minister Patricia de Lille has confirmed that a suspect has been arrested in connection with the fire at Parliament. The matter has been handed over to the Hawks.

De Lille said: “It is confirmed that a person has been arrested and I can also confirm from general Pathekile that the docket has now been handed over to the Hawks because it’s the role of the Hawks to investigate any attack on a political institution.”

President Ramaphosa Arrived at Parliament to assess the situation

He said it was quite upsetting given that it has only been a week since the passing of Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu.

We must be thankful the offices have not burned to the ground. Everyone acted with speed and we are thankful that everyone mobilised. There are certain things that do work,” he said.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]“The praise must go to the firefighters of the City of Cape Town. They intervened at the right time. Their appearance has saved a very important national key point.” ~ President Cyril Ramaphosa[/perfectpullquote]

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